Monday, May 25, 2009

Put on the New Man

I VERY RARELY feel discouraged.  As a man of faith, what is there to possibly be discouraged about?  Lately this has been the case though.  I wouldn't so much call it discouragement so much as disappointment, but you get the idea.  What got me back in line was words of wisdom from friends and an unlikely Bible study on a trampoline (seriously!) which reminded me exactly what it is that comforts, and that is prayer.  I like to give prayer, reading the Bible, and any time spent focused on God the blanket term of meditation.  As my priest reminded me two weeks ago, we should be dedicating at least 30 minutes daily to God.  Sound like too much time?  Well, it equates to only about 2% of our day.

Don't be discouraged, for in Christ all things are made new.  No one is worthy, is it worth arguing over who is less unworthy?  It isn't, and "therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."  This is our encouragement, we have no reason to look back, but only to look forward.  What upset me was that I spent years and years building a relationship with God, only to feel like a stranger in His own house.  All we needed was a good talk, and we are good again.

1 comment:

Ray said...

Now that you mention it, I did notice that about're just generally a cheerful of the best things about you. Stay that way :)