Sunday, June 7, 2009


I NEVER QUITE understood evangelism to its fullest extent.  It actually dawned on me this morning in the shower after contemplating a recent turn of events that have unfolded in my life recently.  I very rarely delve this far into my personal life, and it seems slightly ridiculous to do so on my blog, but I feel compelled to do it, so here goes:

I was recently speaking with a friend of whom is dear to my heart.  In her experience, she shared wisdom with me in regards to relationships.  To paraphrase, some things are simply not to be compromised in relationships.  What this means is, there are some things in which you care so much about, and a relationship (namely one involving the opposite sex) should not require you to sacrifice this.  Well, in my life, there are a few things that I care that much about, and the first one that comes to mind is my Church, for this is the most important thing to me.  

Well, this is what I was pondering in the shower.  How can I sacrifice the one thing I love most in life for a relationship?  How can God Bless a relationship that requires you to further yourself from Him?  I think it is bogus, it would never happen.  This is where evangelism comes in.  We aren't talking about salvation dating, that is stupid.  We are talking about the beauty of having your spouse on your team.  It is as if you love God so much, you want nothing more than for someone else you love to be experiencing the same bliss.  It simply doesn't work any other way, for how can someone who loves God sacrifice what is most important for someone else?  Unfortunately, you cannot expect a person to eventually become faithful.  It is beautiful when it happens, but it is few and far between.

The same goes for the complete stranger that needs Christ.  I think of it as experiencing a new food or a new song, and turning to a friend saying "you HAVE to try this, it is phenomenal."  There is a certain joy in sharing something you enjoy with a friend.  There is more to it than a self-less giving, it is an almost selfish (selfish in the sense that is done for your own gratification, yet out love for the other) giving of oneself.  Salvation, I always thought, was simply to guide a person to a life with Christ so they may see Christ in Heaven.  There is more to it than that.  It is loving your neighbor to the extent that you want to see them as joyful as you.  It is wanting them to taste Christ and believe.  That is why loving your neighbor is insufficient without bringing them closer to the Church.


Ray said...

Yeah dude, I was in the same dilemma not too long ago, cept even more so...Not gonna go into details, but the situation was pretty scary. It's definitely not an option to be involved with someone who doesn't have the same ideas about God. The whole purpose of our lives on earth is to get closer to God and eventually meet up with him in heaven. But we're also responsible for the people under our care, for their salvation. Our wives, sons/daughters, friends, mothers/fathers...the people closest to us. When God asks us on the throne of judgement what we did to bring them closer to him, or, even worse, did we drive them away from him, we need to answer that, yes, we did our best in every situation.

And it says, and I know personally from experience, that whatever you give to God is returned to you 10 fold...and that includes improper loves/relationships. I sacrificed a completely unsuitable relationship when she asked me to literally deny the church and christ, and now i've got my Sandy :) And this relationship is much more deep and joyful and fulfilling than that other one ever was. So even tho it may be hard, bite the bullet, give it up for Christ, and rest assured he'll give it back to you, only better :)

Chin up bro, you're an amazing guy, and God's got someone equally amazing prepared for you. Someone who'll help you return home, and whom you will help as well.


P.S. What's salvation dating? sounds kinky

Unknown said...

I agree with this guy.

Also, write a new blog, please. You're dragging your feet. Otherwise, I may write you another one. I've already got the perfect topic.